Lets you set Hot Keys for Now Super Boomerang functions.
Removes all temporary files from the File menu.
Removes all temporary folders from the Folder menu.
This option is dimmed because no file is selected.
Adds the selected file to the permanent file list.
Adds the folder whose contents are currently being displayed to the permanent folder list.
Information on files and folders is currently being displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
Choose this command to remove the checkmark and turn off the information display.
This is active only in the Open dialog box.
Displays the creation date, modification date, creator type, file type, resource and data fork size for the selected file or folder at the bottom of the dialog box.
Creates a new folder and lets you name it.
Allows you to duplicate, rename, delete, or launch files in the current folder without returning to the Finder.
Opens the Find dialog box to let you find files by their names or by text strings they contain.
Displays information about Now Super Boomerang and the people who worked on it.
Lets you modify your Now Super Boomerang preferences.
This folder is not available because it is stored on a disk that is not currently mounted.
Choose this folder name to display its contents.
You cannot choose this file because it cannot be opened by the current application, or it is stored on a disk that is not currently mounted.
Choose this file name to open it immediately.
Hold down the Shift Key while choosing the file name to display the contents of the folder in which it is located.
Choose this disk name to view its contents — Now Super Boomerang will display the contents of the folder you last used on this disk.